Thursday 23 January 2014

Living in A Globalized World: The Importance of English for Me

English is one of the most spoken languages in the world and it is the official language in most countries. English being the global language is also important when it comes to the technology, trading and business industries, which are important for countries growth. As our world progresses and become more interconnected to one another, a global language will be needed. 

Singapore, a small country with a small population, we depend a lot on foreign talents into Singapore. Apart from that, with the lack of resources in Singapore, we have to seek help from other countries to improve. Our government will usually send people to other countries to learn and to gain more sightful experiences so to share with other Singaporeans. Thus far, with Singapore’s education system, which designed such that everyone has to learn both English and Mother Tongue in school, it is helpful when we have such exchange programmes. English can be used as the main mode of communication.

In addition, with a more globalized world, there will also be more international students studying in Singapore, through the education system, it will allow us to communicate well with them. Lastly, I feel that in our globalized world today, it is essential for everyone to be profound in English as communication is an important key in our life.